Tuesday, June 29, 2004

I see the light

It was a journey that started 4 years ago in this very campus (IIIT-H) and now it is over... I am happy and satisfied to have achieved the goals I had set for myself before coming here. In fact, I think I did much better. Anyway, It's unfortunate that I'm not senti or sad when I leave this place... In fact I am happy that I am getting my much deserved change. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel (Hope that's not a train >;-]). I have been literally counting days here. People look forward to their college life as a period where there are no rules, full mastee and a time they would never forget. But for me this was the darkest time in my life and I would have been lost in this darkness forever if I had not decided to shine!!!
The last 4 years were weird. An alltime topper in the class, fell to level of a below average student. An "Always Bindaas" guy, turned into an "Always Serious" one. A happy and shining soul, became absolutely dead. I hate these years because I cannot justify what I did all this time. Frankly, I did not do anything... these years are a void in my life. Neither did I excel in studies, nor did I have my share of fun. Then what did I do??? Frankly, wasted 4 years(no, last year was fine)... okay 3 years of my life completely without doing anything, living in a dream world because the reality was not what I wanted. I stuck to the goods of my past and never cared unwrap my present. Life changed drastically... I changed. Towards the end of it I was totally frustrated and one fine day I decided to have everything back... everything that I had lost in this journey. But it was too late. People already knew me...and to my bad luck, they knew me as "not-me" and would not accept me as "me". So, at that moment I decided to postpone this till the end of the college life. Once I break free from the demons of the past I shall be what I am... rather what I was. Till the end of the third year I feel my life in college was a total waste of time, money and energy... an empty mind had already become a devil's workshop. Swept by darkness, I had changed more than I could imagine.
By that time I had figured out that if I stay in this campus any longer, the damage will be more than repairable. So, I started moving out of here, picking of professional work to do. I had already screwed up three years and I had to make up for all of it in the fourth. I had to shine now... for that was the only way to get rid of the darkness around me. I started taking up professional work... and in a short time, became a thorough professional. I knew that I was "coming back to life" (there's a reason why it is my favorite song). I started to "live" life from then on, live it like there's no tomorrow and here I am today.
Now, I love my life... I am back in action and like I was never before. It seems that the "EclipsE" is almost over. Though there are still traces of darkness that will be there forever... but I don't mind that because it does not control me. I control it now... and also like it. There is darkness in me, but it is not inspired by evil, it is just "The Beauty of Darkness" (Look at what the title-bar says). There is a devil is me, but it is not the bad part of me, it is just the "sharaarat" (mischief) in me.
Now, when I look at tomorrow, I see a time when I would have cut all ties with this past of mine and would be shining like the sun...AGAIN!!!


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